As they have from the beginning, Robin and Linda continue to back up their recording success with a busy
touring schedule, drawing both new fans and reuniting with folks from the past. The rich musical life the Williams have built together takes them all over the country; they'll rarely be "in the company of strangers" - instead, they'll be among the friends old and new that their music has brought them.
A Prairie Home Companion
Robin and Linda are regular favorites on Garrison Keillor's popular radio show. A '94 tour with the Hopeful Gospel Quartet, featuring the Williamses, Keillor, and Kate MacKenzie, brought them to England, Scotland, and Denmark.
Fortune/ Williams Music Festival: A weekend festival in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley featuring over 20 national and regional performers!
Huss and Dalton Acoustic Guitars: Makers of fine hand crafted instruments, located in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
Taylor Guitars: over 25 years of producing limited-edition and limited-run guitars that range from the unusual to the spectacular
Turtle Top Specialty Vehicle Manufactuer:
Their Mission is "to furnish the customer the best specialty vehicle in the industry in both quaity of material and workmanship."
Irene Young Photography: An internationally renowned portrait photographer
Colorado Case Company: Custom made soft cases or case covers for any instrument
John Pearse Strings: 20 yrs at Breezy Ridge® Instruments, Ltd.
Peter Ostroushko Recorded with Robin and Linda since 1975.