Robin and Linda Williams: The Last Email of Summer

Dear Friends,
Your buddies, Robin and Linda, find themselves this sunny, summer Tuesday, returning to the world after over two weeks of COVID quarantining. Robin got it first. Where? He has no idea! Then, of course, he passed it on to Linda. Fortunately, neither of us had terrible experiences and, as we've been completely vaccinated and boostered, we therefore got nowhere near a hospital. Several of our friends, in relating their COVID adventures, have said, "it wasn't too bad, sort of like having the flu." Now we've been reminded why we get flu shots every year. This COVID stuff was no fun.

Because of the quarantine we had to cancel a gig in Portland, IN which we hope we can reschedule next summer. The effect of the cancellation has been to make us more eager than usual to get back out in front of people, and we're looking forward to our final gigs of the summer. We'll be heading to Cooperstown, NY on August 20th where we'll return to Hyde Hall at Glimmerglass State Park, overlooking Lake Otsego. If you've never visited this picturesque park, you should come be with us. It's a beautiful concert setting. And you can visit the Baseball Hall of Fame while you're in town.

The next day we'll head to Beacon, NY, and the Towne Crier Cafe'. We remember some great Towne Crier nights at the Beekman and the Pawling, NY locations and now we're finally going to play the Beacon, NY club. There's a lot of history associated with this place, and we're glad our musical saga gets to include another stop at the Towne Crier Cafe'.

The following weekend, Sunday, the 28th, we'll be at the Oak Grove Music Festival which we had a hand in starting over 40 years ago. It has held a special place in our hearts since the very start and it's a sign that we must be doing something right for them to keep having us back. There is no better venue we know for enjoying an evening or afternoon of music.

An old neighbor friend, Don McCray, recently posted a picture on our Facebook page ( proving for all to see that we are occasionally getting played on Sirius Radio's "Outlaw Country" channel. We pay our $22.93 a month to Sirius XM and listen to "Outlaw Country" a lot when we're on the road, but we've never heard ourselves. This kind of news strikes right at the heart of our vanity, almost to the point of us upping our subscription and listening to Sirius XM when we're not in the car.

Bumper Sticker of the Month: Papyrus and Comic Sans walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Get out -- we don't serve your type."

As you may notice from our gig listings, we'll be taking a break from traveling this early fall. There'll be more about this subject next month.

Come see us if you're close. Remember, live music makes you smarter.

Your pals,
Robin and Linda

FOR BOOKINGS: Trish Galfano,, 919.967.8655