Tip Jars

Hey Folks, 
We're back. Rather quickly we're back. We forgot to mention in our newsletter last week a live interview we'll be doing with Ellen Stanley and Anthony Ihrig for their "Back Catalog Listening Party." We've known Ellen for years through her good work at Red House Records and are vexed at ourselves for failing to include this event and thus having to intrude into your email boxes so soon.  

It will take place this Friday, December 18th at 5:00 EST. Ellen and Anthony will be in Minneapolis and we'll be in our house in Virginia and, as this is a special holiday edition of their show, we'll be playing and telling stories about the songs from "The First Christmas Gift," our 2005 Red House Records CD.  As well as hearing us hold forth on the CD you'll be able to participate in real-time by asking questions in the comments and, yes, if you so wish, filling up the tip jar. There is a Facebook Event page, https://fb.me/e/YzsPfMyY, where you'll be able to get some information, and the event link, which will be on YouTube, is https://youtu.be/zdUQkM1m3Po.  

Mentioning tip jars brings back all kinds of memories of when the two of us were just getting together musically. When Robin would get in off the road, he'd go straight to Linda who was living in Nashville. Almost every night our routine would be for Linda to get off work, there'd be a quick supper, we'd sit and play a few tunes and then go to an open stage at Bishop's American Pub and play them. Our pay was the money in the tip jar. The musicians we met there are etched forever in our memory banks and the stage experience we acquired at Bishop's gave us the confidence to team up and make music our livelihood. So, here's to tip jars.  

Bumper Sticker Of The Week: The Vaccine is here. Can we take showers now, or do we just keep washing our hands?   

If you can make it, join us on December 18th at 5:00 EST for the "Back Catalog Listening Party." We're looking forward to it. 

Your pals,
Robin and Linda

FOR BOOKINGS: Trish Galfano
trish@myriadartists.com, 919.967.8655
ROBIN AND LINDA'S WEBSITE: www.robinandlinda.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/robinandlindawilliams
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Aredoubleyew
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/robinandlinda/
