Dear Friends,
Greetings to you on Election Day, 2018. We have voted and are now going about our business as if it's just other ordinary day when, in actuality, we're nervously awaiting the outcome of the many races we are interested in, especially the local ones. We've tried to be good civic citizens in 2018 and have played at rallies and helped organize a fundraiser that raised a decent amount of cash for our candidate. Now that we've voted we've done all we can do, so we'll take some deep breaths and wait. We've always maintained change is good, so that's what we'll hope for tonight.

The Night Of Leonard Cohen Songs - yes, we mentioned it last month - is fast approaching and we're enjoying living with his songs. We're in a humbled state having spent forty years writing songs and then immersing ourselves in Leonard's amazing catalogue of songs and finding out what true poetic songwriting is. But it's been totally worthwhile and we're looking forward to being on stage with Trent Wagler and Derrick Kratzer, The Indiscriminate Lovers, for this show.

The songs on our repertoire "A List" changed dramatically a few weeks ago when we were asked to sing at the tenth anniversary celebration at the Middlebrook,VA library . We spent some time going through our old CDs looking for songs that were about Middlebrook, or pertained to Middlebrook or, at the very least, wouldn't have been written had we not lived there for so long. When we got such a positive reaction, we decided to keep them in the lineup for our next gig. And, again, the response was wonderful. Hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth. These songs are going to stay in the starting lineup for a while.

Bumper Sticker Of The Month: Daddy, are we pyromaniacs? Yes, we arson. (Thanks, Terry Morgan)

Hope to see you at one of the stops along the way.

Your pals,
Robin and Linda

FOR BOOKINGS: Trish Galfano,, 919.967.8655